Wednesday, May 23


Cookie was lost in Anchorage 'cos he was looking for the NW passage. He wandered into the bay went up a dead end and had to come out again. It's now named Turnaround Arm. It has Beluga & Bowhead whales. Paul and I cycled 20km on the coastal path. Had a few near misses with aircraft. The Boeing 737-900 was good, loads of leg room, moosive overhead bins & Alaskan are good too. Take out the credit card and you get 30k miles plus you can take an additional person with you on any flight for $22, not bad when you consider you can go to Hawaii. Funny but beasts keep sneaking in on our selfies, see the ugly beast this time, and the one on the right is a moose. Arrived Seattle great, took light rail, which was full of chattering girlies off to see Taylor Swift at Safeco stadium, worse than a thousand screaming Kawasakis and no ear plugs. How do they all talk at the same time.

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