Monday, May 28


Last leg, fly home tomorrow. Missed photo from curiosity shop yesterday, can you spot the whale willies.  Sylvester, the mummy from yesterday appears to have died a violent death from the bullet hole in his stomach. Cowboy gunslinger, why is he a mummy? All is not as it seems, he also has shotgun pellets in his skull, but insufficient to kill. When scanned, it is clear it is not a bullet hole, also he appears to have been embalmed when the chemicals in his body are analysed. Also he shows signs of TB in his lungs. Sylvester may have had many jobs after his death. Loner, cos body not claimed, maybe a thief having been wounded by shotgun, probably died as a result of getting TB in prison. After death, he was likely a model used in coffin sales, see how his hands & arms are arranged to hold a bouquet of flowers. Next he probably worked in a circus sideshow or fairground, the hole has been drilled to make a more gory, colourful story for the punters. No one will know for certain.

Amtrak into Vancouver went well despite an early start. One poor Muppet had trouble at the station - he was trying to check baggage into train for Vancouver, Canada when he had bought tickets for journey to Vancouver, USA. Bugger when 2 train stations on the same line have the same name. Never saw them again, dunno where they ended up!

Took driverless sky train over to New Westminster on the banks of the Fraser river. Nice suburban town with wooden board walks along the river, cafes shops & restaurants. New Westminster used to be capital of BC, the largest tin soldier ever is in recognition of the Royal Engineers who built the first town. Weather was wonderful.

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