Tuesday, May 1


Boarded the paddle steamer, cabins v.good. I think Paul's life jacket was a bit too tight. We're here in Astoria, it's strange that the only cinema is called the Gaumont. Visited a couple of museums, city founded on fur trade by Jake Astor, then logging, salmon & Tuna. Richest man in town was Geo Flavel. He was a sea captain who made a mint piloting ships around the sand bars. He married a 14 year old German and built a beautiful house. It rains an awful lot here, 80 inches with the cloud at ground level. Just like being in a submarine. There is a tower on the hilltop commemorating the railroad reaching the west coast. I climbed it, no sweat as you can see from my face, they give you a glider to make up and fly from the top, just to escape from the town. Mine flew great. It's too damp for cycling, getting ready for lobster grill.

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