Thursday, May 10


...been on a trolley bus, I mean. What was you thinking? They're very good you know, quiet, quick & clean. Bought day passes for ferry & transit and did the tourist circuit. Totems in Stanley, the False Creek tiny ferries, the minion like concrete mix towers, gassy Jack & the steam powered clock. Over 10 hours out is pretty tiring. The part of town where we are staying is very seedy. Drugs are legal here and there are lots of spaced out characters ranting & raving on the streets, a lot of people living rough and the stink of piss is all pervasive. Lots of rubbish on the street and the biggest piles of cigarette butts you have ever seen. Apart from round here, Vancouver seems very nice and laid back. It's pretty pricey in the tourist areas, but away from them, not too bad. Boarding cruise ship at 11am tomorrow.

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