Tuesday, May 8


Finished with bobbing down the Columbia river. We stopped at some v. nice towns, Richland had a lovely feel to it, lovely river front that Paul & I cycled along on the river front. It was cinquo, some form of Hispanic celebration day, so there were lots of groups out in the parks. It also seemed to be prom day with lots of photoshoots going on. 

Next we arrived at Clarkston/Lewiston and the trip through the river gorges were great. Very Lake District like. Transited massive locks over 100 feet deep, all with hydroelectric dams. Visited a number of museums and chatted to people. The Schroeder's invited us to open house, they have a lovely house, they dressed up in their wedding outfits as it was their anniversary and spoke about their antique collection.

Last night on our boat with friends Shirley & Jude was great. The mad Russian wanted us to sing at dinner, so we did London's Burning. Some of us couldn't handle the synchro lines, but we had a good time. Did a bit of line dance that ended up with the usual disorganised fracas of me going the wrong way.

Took a tour on way to Spokane airport. Lovely town. Has a large waterfall in centre with gondolas in the mist. Visited Bing's home as a kid in grounds of Garbunza college. Bing broke his arm. Learnt of family traumas - wife died young, some kids of his committed suicide.

After binging we bobbed with 2 short flights on prop planes over the mountains into Vancouver. Flights with Alaskan went well. Mount Rainier is spectacular from a small plane. Who's face is that on Air Alaska planes? Does you lock conform to BS.........Nobody knows!

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