Thursday, March 24


Another early start to board a new train, very swanky. We spent all day on the train, we were escorted by motor cycle cops who policed all the level crossings. They got bored following us & did tricks going along the road. Been getting breathless again, drinking coca tea for relief. Food served in woven grass parcels & is all local produce. Traveled Avenue of Volcanoes, but all shrouded in cloud. Went to Cotopaxi National Park for a hike. 3600m and breathless. Getting up early is playing havoc with the body clock, it's 10:35am & Mum's on the red wine. Had a big party on the train, devil came on board & I danced with the virgin. I was knackered before I started, totalled when I finished, couldn't breath at all. Recovered a bit to arrive at the Chimborazo volcano. Still really high, but Balthazar put me to shame, 71, he climbs everyday to 4100m to cut out blocks of ice with hand tools & carry it down on donkeys. He sells this in the market to make ice cream. Mum enjoyed his ice cream, even if the cornet was stale. The red tea was made from the ingredients on the plate. Stayed in 250 year old hacienda. Really eclectic collection inside - adding machines, chairs, religious sculpture, tills, typewriters, secretarys and rabbits on the lawn. We had an open fire which we kept stoked up, really nice to dry off in front of after the shower.

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