Thursday, March 31


Arrived back in Quito for our 3rd visit. Flight had lights this time. Hotel arranged to pick us up, very interesting ride, the car was a Corsa & the bags had to go on the seat. It had so little power that we had to use 2nd gear going up the motorway hills (it is hilly here!) Then the thunder & lightning started and the fog descended to zero vis. We arrived safely at the B&B about 10:30pm. Storm continued all night and day. Visited Basilica, got rained in, whiled away time in cafe & finally decided to don waterproofs & make a run for it. Steep hills & high altitude are not a good combo for us. Mum decided steps better bet than slope, so wound our way to the top. Gate at top locked. Mum renamed them the stairway to hell between gasps for breath. Had nice dinner in Vista Hermosa, which looks out of the city, shame the restaurant stole our umbrella.  The other picture is view from hotel lounge. What no guinea pig!

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