Wednesday, March 9


Well, we are here in the US. It wasn't easy. The travel to Gatwick was great, the flight was great, but getting past immigration & customs was hell. Two hours when it is 11 at night your time & you've been up 18 hours is no fun! Not even Charlie Ross from Bargain Hunt & the black guy behind us didn't help. The young black guy used his cell phone in the queue. Officials shouted at him. He paid no attention. Next thing 2 armed security guards took him away. I bet that didn't make his day. First day was busy, breakfast with pals, dinner with other pals. Chilled by the pool. Hotel was great, even had a digger for Leo nearby. I think all my problems stemmed from cycling to St Katharine's dock, when not fit enough. It makes you emotional & knackered, which is not great for long distance travel & time zone changes. Ah well, soon be off to the Pacific coast and 3 more hours shift - can't wait!

Nobody claimed the hat prize yet.

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