Friday, March 25


Worst hacienda so far, only aircon in rooms and steaming hot in the common areas, dining open to the outside - insect alert - eau de deet applied. Lovely train trip today. Went from Bucay to Naranjito to visit a cocoa to learn about chocolate. Mum tasted the beans that are inside the pod before roasting, see what she thought. We ground the roast beans down and then tasted the 100% chocolate with & without sugar. The meal at the Hacienda la Danesa was one of the best we ever had. A lot of the food is sourced on the farm. The owner was a 2nd generation Ecuadorian Dane, Nils Ohlsen, and it was all great. We ate out in the open air room. After dinner a cow turned up and I milked it! It's a lovely place, it does horse riding, canoing, cross country biking, fishing, hiking & cooking lessons with the chef.
We continued on the train, a band joined us and we partied before arriving at Guayaquil. We are in the hotel and are going to try and stop eating and chill out.  We are here at the hotel for 2 nites & should be contactable by wassapp etc

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