Monday, March 21

GALAPAGOS6 - North Seymour

Morning visit was to beach, we skipped it in favour of lay in & big brekkie. We have been getting up at 6:30 most days & were getting knackered.

I went off a spectacular deep water snorkel along the cliffs. The water was crystal and we swam with about 20 reef shark, saw a big ray and schools of very colourful fish. The puffers are very inquisitive and come right up to you. The eagle rays are quite something.

I went back to the boat, got rid of the wet suit & mum & I went ashore. On our way in the RIB, we were escorted by a pod of bottle nose dolphins. Getting ashore was tricky on the rocks but up on the beach the Blue Foot Boobies were doing their mating dances, stamping up and down to show off the colour & generally acting like clowns, which is where they get their name. The Frigates were also looking for mates, the males flying around showing off their big red sacks to girls. Also land iguanas which are more colourful than the marine variety & many other bird species flying around.

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